
Single-use plastic ban in Hong Kong!


In the statement published on the official website of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, it was reported that the ban on single-use plastics has started.

It was noted that the ban in this area will be effective as of today in Hong Kong, where a large amount of plastic and styrofoam is consumed due to being a major food producer and consumer.

It was stated that under the new law, disposable products such as forks, knives, straws and plates cannot be sold and distributed, but the ban does not yet apply to plastic food containers and cups used in takeaway services.

It was emphasized that the second phase of the ban, which is expected to be implemented next year, will cover all single-use plastic products, including takeaways.

It was noted that many of the restaurants, which were given a 6-month grace period during the transition process, started to implement the new measure.


Kitty Chan, owner of Kuen Fat Kitchen restaurant in Hong Kong, pointed to the rising costs and said, "You might think that a disposable cutlery set is a small change, but replacing a plastic spoon with a paper spoon doubles the cost. So it's not very friendly for the food and beverage industry."

The environmental organization Greenpeace said that plastic cutlery is the largest source of plastic waste in Hong Kong after single-use bags, but many businesses are turning to alternative plastics made from natural resources to comply with the new rules rather than improving their packaging.

Greenpeace's Leanne Tam said that any plastic ban policy should aim to influence the public to stay away from the material, "We would like to remind the government to allocate more resources to promote reusable products instead of single-use. This is the way to solve the root of the problem."

According to the Hong Kong government's 2022 figures, the city disposed of 11,128 tons of solid waste per day, of which 2,369 tons were plastics.

Hong Kong has three landfills for waste disposal, but the government expects them to be full by 2026.

Hong Kong plans to introduce a solid waste charge from August 1 that will force households, restaurants and all businesses to pay for the garbage they throw away, but the logistics of implementation have yet to be worked out.