
Scandal in a restaurant: Customers started vomiting blood!


In a restaurant in India, guests are offered snow in solid form as a 'mouth freshener' after a meal. The manager of a hotel in India has been detained following allegations that guests were served dry ice as a 'mouth freshener' in the restaurant. Five diners reportedly started vomiting and their mouths were bleeding after consuming the mixture of sugar and spices traditionally served after meals. Police said the substance known as dry ice was carbon dioxide in solid form, used as a cooling agent. All customers were hospitalized after the incident.

According to the BBC, police detained the hotel manager in Gurugram, where the restaurant is located. The manager has been charged with 'poisoning with intent to cause harm or damage'. A search operation has also been launched to catch the owner of the restaurant.

According to police, Ankit Kumar, a resident of Greater Noida, came to the restaurant with his wife and friends on Saturday, March 2, and had dinner, after which a waiter offered them 'mouth freshener'. However, as soon as they consumed it, their mouths began to burn and bleed. Customers also started vomiting after the incident. Footage shared on social media showed guests screaming in pain, some putting ice in their mouths and drinking water to relieve the pain. Customers also accused restaurant staff of failing to help them.


A doctor who later examined the substance served to customers confirmed that it was dry ice. The police launched an investigation into the incident and informed that they are conducting a forensic examination on the content of the substance given as a mouth freshener.