
Research: Adolescents smell like goats


In the experiment, participants were asked to spend a night with cotton bands placed under the armpits of their clothes. They were also asked to stop wearing perfume and eating onions or garlic 48 hours before the experiment. The scientists then analyzed the chemical compounds in the patches in the laboratory.  

The study, published yesterday in the academic journal Communications Chemistry, found a musty odor reminiscent of sweat and urine in samples taken from adolescents. The study described it as "like the smell of goats".

In infants, "floral, perfumy and soapy odors" were more prominent. It was also stated that "woody odors" were present in samples from both groups.


Diana Owisenko, who conducted the experiment, said that odors in adolescents are caused by the increased work of sweat glands and increased sebum secretion produced by sebaceous glands.

"It is difficult to determine whether a smell will always be pleasant or unpleasant for everyone," Owisenko said, adding that this is an issue that varies from person to person.

Ilona Croy, one of the co-authors of the study, pointed out that the difference in smell between infants and adolescents may have an evolutionary dimension and said, "This is a very meaningful difference because baby smell facilitates bonding between parents and children."
