Thousands of people supporting the opposition's allegations of "irregularities" in the early and general elections held in Serbia on December 17 protested in the capital Belgrade under the slogan "We do not accept".

The "Serbia against violence" alliance of opposition parties claimed that "irregularities" were committed in the December 17 elections, and today the civil initiative "Bildiri" joined the protests that have been going on for 12 days.

Thousands of people gathered in the capital at the call of the "Declaration" initiative, chanting "We do not accept" and demanding the annulment of the elections.

The protest, described in local media as a "human flood in Belgrade", was also attended by opposition officials.

“Mongoose” destroyed after poisonous snake removal “Mongoose” destroyed after poisonous snake removal

Addressing the crowd, key opposition figure Marinika Tepic, who has been on hunger strike for 13 days, said, "I have said everything that is necessary. These elections must be canceled."

It was seen that Tepic was able to get on the stage set up in the area with the help of 2 people, and it was stated that she was taken to the hospital after her speech.

The demonstrators then marched to the Constitutional Court building, where they ended their protest.

Meanwhile, a group of university students set up a tent on one of the main roads in Belgrade at noon yesterday and started a 24-hour road blockage, which ended with the arrival of the protesters.

Protesters applauded the students who spent the night outside.

Editor: Albert Owen