
Is Heinz's transparent ketchup real?


We always encounter unrealistic content on social media to mislead users. Especially posts with titles and images such as transparent ketchup can go viral and gain popularity as they arouse curiosity among social media users. However, the content of these videos may not always reflect the reality. Before sharing such clickbait and viral videos, it helps to examine sources such as the official website or product catalogs to prevent the spread of suspicious information.


When we reverse image search the screenshots we took to do research on the allegation, we reach the page named UkSnackAttack on TikTok. "Your favorite clickbait snack page" is written in the biography section of the page. When we analyze the videos, we see that the transparent ketchup video has over 29 million views. In the text of the post, it is stated that this is not real.

When we examine the page, it is understood that there are many videos similar to "transparent ketchup" such as chocolate flavored chips, bean ketchup, pumpkin cola, and products that do not actually exist.

The video was also reported by many news sources in November 2023. The sources stated that the video was not real and that it was a TikTok food prank.

In addition, when we examine the video carefully, it is seen that there is no other transparent ketchup on the shelf where the person in the first images takes the transparent ketchup. This suggests that the bottle in the video may contain another substance or may have been created by digital editing.

When we examined Heinz's website, there is no mention of such a product. The transparent ketchup is also not advertised in the product catalog. If Heinz had updated its product range and launched transparent ketchup, it would be expected to share this news on its social media accounts, but there is no such product.

Transparent ketchup is not real

When we look at Heinz's official TikTok account, it is seen that it shared a post referring to the video in question. In the post, the company said in response to the page named UkSnackAttack, "Tell us to make transparent ketchup real... We challenge you." With this response from Heinz, it becomes clear that transparent ketchup is not a real product.

As a result, the Heinz brand does not have a transparent ketchup product. The transparent ketchup product in question is also not available on Heinz's website. So we can say that the post is a video created to go viral. Of course, the creators of this video knew that the transparent ketchup video would go viral and attract attention. This is why it is important to search Heinz's official website or sharing sources for up-to-date information on social media.

As Doğrula, we have previously examined the claims that Heinz produces marijuana and Oreo mayonnaise, which went viral on social media.


The image of transparent ketchup does not reflect reality.
Heinz's official website and social media accounts do not mention such a product.