
US stock markets opened with a rise!


At the opening, the Dow Jones Index rose 0.19 percent to 33,682.81 points. The S&P 500 Index rose 0.21 percent to 4,282.63 points and the Nasdaq Composite Index gained 0.40 percent to 13,115.36 points.

After yesterday's sharp losses, a positive course is being followed in the stock markets after the decline in bond yields and positive economic data in the US.

The US 10-year bond yield, which hit a 16-year high with concerns that the US Federal Reserve (FED) will keep interest rates higher for longer, fell to 4.50 percent today.
On the macroeconomic data side, durable goods orders increased by 0.2 percent on a monthly basis in August, contrary to expectations of a decrease.

While the "hawkish" verbal guidance of Fed officials continued since the beginning of the week, Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari stated in an interview today that it is not yet clear whether the Fed has completed rate hikes while there is enough evidence that the economy continues to maintain its strength.

Kashkari said he was not yet ready to say that interest rates have been raised enough to bring inflation down to the 2 percent target.

On the other hand, the developments in Congress regarding the new budget that will provide financing to the federal government in the days before the end of the 2023 fiscal year, which will end on September 30 in the US, remained at the center of the markets.

In the US Senate yesterday, Republicans and Democrats reached an agreement on a temporary budget bill that will fund the government until November 17, but the bill is expected to face obstacles in the House of Representatives.