Ukraine Intercepts 58 of 67 Russian Attack Drones in Recent Air Defense Success Ukraine Intercepts 58 of 67 Russian Attack Drones in Recent Air Defense Success

According to the statement published by Russia on October 20, the Underground Hypersonic Avangard Missile System, which is called deadly, was activated by the government.

According to reports by the Russian State Agency, the missile travels about 27 times faster than the speed of sound. This missile system, which sounds impossible, is fired from an underground launcher.

According to Moscow, this missile, which travels 27 times faster than sound, travels at a speed of about 32,000 kilometers per hour. Considering that the circumference of the Earth is 40,75 kilometers, the missile allegedly circles the globe in less than 3 minutes. There is currently no air defense system in the world that can intercept such a missile.

In addition to the aforementioned information, information in open sources talks about the hovering device that the missile has.

This device moves according to the layer of the atmosphere in which the missile is located and allows it to reach speeds 27 times faster than the speed of sound. Thanks to this system, the missile can maneuver even at maximum speeds.

Although the information on the subject sounds unbelievable, this is what is known and reported by Moscow. Finally, according to what was also reported by Moscow, after the missile is fired, it moves towards its target with a surface area with a temperature ranging between 1600 and 2,000 degrees.

Editor: David Goodman