
New US aid to Ukraine worth 300 million dollars!


The House of Representatives voted on the bill, which was separated from the Defense Ministry (Pentagon) budget and turned into a new bill, which envisages $ 300 million in new aid to Ukraine.

In a late vote, the bill was approved with 311 "yes" votes against 117 "no" votes.

The inclusion of aid to Ukraine in the 2024 Pentagon budget had caused tensions between Republicans and Democrats.

Pentagon and State Department budgets also approved

On the other hand, the House of Representatives approved the Pentagon's budget of 826 billion dollars after the aid to Ukraine was removed from the package.

However, it was noted that this approval would not prevent a potential shutdown in the country.

The House also approved the budget of the State Department.

The US government is in danger of shutting down due to the budget dispute between Republicans and Democrats.

What is a "federal government shutdown"?

According to US law, if Congress fails to approve the budget for the entire fiscal year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 each year, temporary budgets are needed to cover the period until that happens.

When a stopgap budget cannot be approved, the federal government loses its spending authority and is forced to suspend all non-essential services.

In this process, public employees working in non-essential services are put on compulsory leave, while public employees such as the US military, intelligence agencies, doctors and nurses working in public hospitals, security guards at airports and prisons continue to work. These "essential personnel" often do not receive their salaries during shutdowns until Congress passes a new budget.