
China confession from Treasury Secretary Yellen!

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the outlook for the US economy is positive, noting that inflation is falling in the short term in the context of an extremely strong labor market. Yellen also admitted that the US is overly dependent on China in some critical areas.


Yellen made evaluations on the economic agenda at an event organized by Fortune.

Stating that inflation has fallen in the short term in the context of an extremely strong labor market, Yellen said, "I am very optimistic about the US economic outlook."

Yellen emphasized the importance of a sustainable fiscal policy and stated that the current debt level is at a manageable level.

Stating that high long-term interest rates could pose a threat, Yellen said, "Our forecast assumes that interest rates will rise towards more normal levels, but especially in the last few months, we see a fairly significant increase not only in 10-year nominal interest rates, but also in real interest rates."

Yellen stated that interest rates may remain high for a longer period of time to contain inflation, but that interest rates will return to more normal levels in the medium term. Janet Yellen stated that it is also possible that long-term interest rates may be higher than expected.

Noting that the US is overly dependent on China in some critical areas, Yellen stated that the country should eliminate some of these risks without completely breaking away from China.

When asked about the developments in artificial intelligence, Yellen said that progress in this field is "incredibly fast" and can make a significant difference in productivity.