
'Alien mummy' in Peru raises eyebrows

New fingerprint analysis of the 'alien mummies' found in Peru, which have caused international controversy, suggests that these strange remains may not be of human origin.


The unusual diagonal lines on the fingers and toes suggest that these mummies may have a non-human origin.

These small and strange specimens have sparked worldwide interest and controversy since they were presented to the Mexican congress last year by UFO researcher Jaime Maussan.

Former Colorado prosecutor and current defense attorney Joshua McDowell examined one of the specimens with the help of three independent forensic experts from the United States.

"These were not traditional human fingerprint patterns," McDowell said.


McDowell noted that the fingerprints of the 'alien' mummy dubbed 'Maria' did not match any known human pattern.

"We didn't see loops or curves in these fingerprints, Maria's fingerprints were not compatible with human prints," McDowell said.

Like other examples of 'alien' mummies uncovered by Jaime Maussan, Maria was found covered in diatomaceous earth.

Much of the mummy's body was covered in diatomaceous earth, and the epidermal ridges on her fingers were mostly in straight lines, McDowell said.McDowell and his team emphasized that it is too early to make a definitive statement about these mysterious mummies.

"No determination has yet been made about the nature of these mummies. We need more research," McDowell said.


These mummies are famous for their long heads and three-fingered hands. Maussan and his team have been working hard to increase scientific interest in these mummies. However, some institutions, such as the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, have characterized them as man-made forgeries.

Recent fingerprint analysis suggests that these mummies are either not toys or are made of different and unusual materials.

However, further DNA studies and carbon dating methods are needed for definitive conclusions.