
Who is not on the pedophile list! 200 names in the Mossad spy's "kids club" are revealed!


The 'client list' of Jeffrey Epstein, who marketed underage children to wealthy Americans, is waiting to be exposed. Hundreds of sealed court files in the Epstein pedophile case will be made public this week. 

The judge presiding over the case, Loretta Preska, ruled that there was no legal justification for continuing to conceal more than 150 names in the records. Preska announced that the seal on the case files will begin to be removed on January 1. 

According to the American ABC News, Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking network includes more than 150 celebrities, while the British The Guardian reports that the number of pedophiles on the list is up to 200.

Epstein, who was convicted of using a minor for prostitution in 2008 and resumed his 'business' after serving 13 months in prison, lured American businessmen and politicians into his network and recorded them 'molesting children'. These recordings are reportedly used by Israel to shape American policies. According to Dylan Howard, who wrote a book about him, Epstein was a Mossad agent. 

Jeffrey Epstein, who was involved in Israeli intelligence through Robert Maxwell, the spy father of his partner and lover Ghislaine Maxwell, included many names in his pedophile network and recorded 'embarrassing moments' to control the American political world.

Inviting many famous businessmen and politicians to his villa in Manhattan, which was furnished with hidden cameras, Epstein also bought an island to make the prostitution trade more comfortable, and famous names went to his house for wild parties. His clients often traveled by Epstein's private plane.

Epstein, a New York-born American Jew, was found dead in his cell in August 2019. 

There are famous names on the list, which US District Court Judge Loretta Preska said, "The seal should be removed." The list of people who went to Epstein's mansion in New York, his villa in Palm Beach, his private island in the Virgin Islands and his ranch in Santa Fe for pedophile parties includes

Bill Clinton (US President)
Kathryn Ruemmler (White House Counsel)
Noam Chomsky (philosopher, writer)
Reid Hoffman (dollar billionaire)
Lawrence Summers (Harvard Rector)
Bill Gates (dollar billionaire)
Woody Allen (director)
Thorbjorn Jagland (Prime Minister of Norway)
Ehud Barak (Prime Minister of Israel)
Jes Staley (banker)
Prince Andrew (Duke of England)