
What are the benefits of red onion?


Red onion is one of the most frequently consumed vegetables throughout human history. First of all, there are many subspecies of onion in terms of color, shape and flavor. But in general, it shows similar effects. Their flavors may vary depending on the season in which they grow. Well, what are the benefits and harms of red onion, which diseases are good for? The answer to the question is detailed in our article ...

Benefits of Red Onion

Onion, which is an effective antioxidant, contains many vitamins and minerals. One glass of chopped onion contains 64 calories, 15 gr. carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 2 gr. protein, 7 gr. sugar. It also contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamins B6, B9, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, sulfur minerals and antioxidant sources quercetin and fisetin. There is no fat and cholesterol in onion. In this context, the benefits of red onion are as follows:

Red onion is a very good source of antioxidants and contains 25 different types of antioxidants. In particular, the anthocyanins found in red onions are very beneficial for the immune system, increasing the number of good bacteria (probiotics) in the intestine and helping to improve immune function.
Onions are a rich source of probiotics, which support digestion, improve the balance of bacteria in the gut and benefit the immune system. Probiotics also include indigestible fibrous foods that are broken down by beneficial gut bacteria.
By stimulating insulin production, they help stabilize blood sugar, especially in people with diabetes or prediabetes.
Onions and onion juice have the ability to support bone health as much as milk and dairy products. Due to its ability to strengthen bones, it has been proven to be effective against postmenopausal osteoporosis (osteoporosis). It has also been observed that the risk of hip fracture is reduced in women who consume onions frequently.