
Warning! Hurricane danger in New York!


According to the National Hurricane Center, this system will cause tropical storm conditions on the East Coast starting Friday. The system is expected to reach the North Carolina coast by Saturday morning and then move toward New York. The system is expected to be named Ophelia. This system could cause life-threatening storm surges, high waves and currents in coastal areas, as well as heavy rainfall in the Mid-Atlantic region from North Carolina to New Jersey. New York State is expected to receive between 5 and 10 cm of rainfall.

New York Governor Hochul urged "all New Yorkers to closely monitor the forecast and, if necessary, take action to protect themselves and others. "1 The city's Office of Emergency Management, in cooperation with the National Weather Service, is preparing and said they will issue a storm guide to New Yorkers on Friday1.

New York has historically been most vulnerable to the impacts of tropical storm systems in September and October, so caution is advised for this weekend's storm.