
Very important update from X!


It was announced that social media platform X will start collecting information on users' biometric data and employment and education history.

In its new policy, social media platform X announced that "biometric information may be collected and used for security, safety and identification purposes", subject to users' consent.

However, while "biometric information" is used by other technology companies to describe data from a person's face, eyes and fingerprints, it is not known what X is referring to with this definition, how it will collect or use this data.

X's representative confirmed that the new policy change had been made, but did not provide further details.

The company also reportedly aims to collect more information on users' occupations and educational background.

Personal information such as jobs, educational background, employment preferences, skills and abilities could be collected and used to suggest potential jobs to users, share with potential employers when a job is applied for, enable employers to find potential candidates, and show more relevant ads to users.

The previous privacy policy did not include any mention of biometric data or users' education and employment history.