
The US seized that country's ship carrying missile parts!


The official Iranian news agency Irna reported that Tehran rejected allegations that the United Nations (UN) mission violated the arms embargo.

In a statement by the US military, it was noted that preliminary analysis indicated that such weapons were used in Houthi attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea. While attacks on Israeli-related cargo ships in the Red Sea began last November, it was the first time a ship allegedly carrying weapons was seized.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander General Michael Erik Kurilla said, "It is clear that Iran continues to provide sophisticated and lethal tools to the Houthis."

General Kurilla noted that this is "yet another example of Iran sowing the seeds of instability" in the region in violation of international law. The sailing ship carrying the missile parts was reportedly sunk by the US military. The fate of the 14-member crew will be determined according to international law.