
The latest on the earthquake in Morocco: Current death toll announced, everyone shocked!


In a written statement made by the ministry, it was stated that the number of deaths in the earthquake increased to 2 thousand 12 and the number of wounded increased to 2 thousand 59, 1404 of them seriously.

The deaths were recorded in El-Huz region, Tarudant, Shishawa, Verzazat, Marrakech, Azila, Agadir, Casablanca and Yusifiyye region.

It was noted that the Moroccan Armed Forces, local administrations, security forces and civil defense teams continued search and rescue operations, and all means were mobilized to deliver humanitarian aid to the earthquake zones.

Moroccan media reported that the earthquake, which occurred at 23.10 local time the previous day, was felt in the capital Rabat, Casablanca, Meknes, Agadir and Fes.

The Moroccan Interior Ministry had announced earlier that the death toll in the 7-magnitude earthquake in the El-Huz region of Marrakech had risen to 1037 and the number of injured to 1024, 721 of whom were seriously injured.