
The actor known for his legendary James Bond character will appear in court!

Pierce Brosnan, known for his legendary James Bond character, was fined for crossing a no-go zone during his recent visit to Yellowstone National Park in the US.


On November 1, Brosnan walked in a restricted area called "Mammoth Terraces" in northern Yellowstone. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Wyoming said Brosnan was in the park for a personal visit, not for movie work.

Brosnan, 70, is scheduled for a mandatory court appearance on January 23 in the courtroom of the world's oldest national park.

Mammoth Terraces is a scenic spot of mineral-coated hot springs bubbling up a hillside. Some of the millions of people who visit Yellowstone each year ignore warnings to stay on the trail and are badly burned. Trespassers face jail time, heavy fines and bans from the park.