
Tension in Kosovo: Serbs open fire on police!


A policeman was killed and a policeman was wounded when armed Serbs blocking the road opened fire at police in North Mitrovica, a predominantly Serbian neighborhood in northern Kosovo.

In a statement released by Kosovo police, it was stated that a group of armed Serbs blocked the village road by placing two trucks without license plates on the bridge at the entrance of Bajnske village near North Mitrovica. In the statement, it was noted that a clash broke out as armed Serbs opened fire at the police officers who went to the scene upon a tip-off, and the statement read: "The police officers were fired at with various firearms, including grenades, and two police officers were shot as a result of the opened fire."

The injured police officers were taken to the hospital, the statement said, adding that despite all efforts, one police officer lost his life. The other police officer, who was slightly wounded, is not in life-threatening condition, the statement added.

Following the incident, a large number of security forces were dispatched to the region, while the Brnjak border crossing point between Kosovo and Serbia was closed.

Kosovo leaders also reacted to the attack with posts on their social media accounts. "The murder in the north was planned and executed by Serbian criminal gangs," said Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said, "Organized crime, with Belgrade's political, financial and logistical support, is attacking our country."