
Meghan Markle's last acting experience The Suits is being remade!

The couple of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who said goodbye to royal life and opened a new page in the USA, does not fall off the agenda. Markle was acting in the TV series Suits when she started seeing Prince Harry.


According to Variety, work has begun on a new series based on the world of The Suits. It is not known what time period the series will take place in or who will star in it.

Series creator Aaron Korsch signaled that a series with new characters will be shot.


It is thought that this decision was made because the new series has recently increased in viewership and has been the most watched series for 12 weeks. Markle gave life to the character of Zane in the series between 2010 and 2018. The series, which aired between 2011 and 2019, gained popularity after Markle's union with the Prince. Markle left the series in the 7th season in 2017.