
French Ambassador leaves Niger


Anti-French sentiment is growing in Africa.

Africans no longer bow down to the French who continue the colonialist mentality of years.

After the recent military coup in Niger, anti-French demonstrations were organized.

At the end of the tension between France and the two countries, the new administration in Niger demanded the end of France's military and bureaucratic presence.

French Ambassador leaves Niger

The French, who first evacuated their citizens from the country, left Niger.

Finally, the French Ambassador left the country in the morning.

Macron announced it on live broadcast

French President Emmanuel Macron, who was the guest of the joint broadcast of TF1 and France 2 channels, made statements on the subject.

Macron said that French Ambassador to Niamey Sylvain Itte and many French diplomats would return to France in a few hours and that they had ended their military cooperation with the authorities in Niger.

Noting that French soldiers in Niger will return to France in a coordinated manner by the end of the year, Macron stated that they will continue to help the African continent in the fight against terrorism.

48-hour deadline from Niger

The military regime that took power in Niger on July 26 gave French Ambassador to Niamey Sylvain Itte 48 hours to leave the country on August 25, but Ambassador Itte did not leave the country.

France stated that "the military junta has no authority to demand the departure of the French ambassador".

Thereupon, Niger's Foreign Ministry sent a note to the French Foreign Ministry on August 31, announcing that Ambassador Itte's immunity had been lifted and that he would be deported.

Following the note, tight security measures were taken around the French Embassy in Niamey and vehicles entering and leaving the embassy were checked by Niger security forces.

Likewise, security was increased around the "Niamey 101" airbase in the capital where French soldiers are stationed.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on September 15 that Ambassador Itte had been "taken hostage" and that no food was allowed to enter the embassy.

Military coup in Niger

In Niger, President Mohamed Bazum was detained by elements of the Presidential Guard Regiment on July 26 and the military announced the seizure of power that evening.

General Abdurrahmane Tchiani, Commander of the Presidential Guard Regiment, took charge of the transitional government, CNSP, on July 28.

CNSP appointed Lamine Zeine as prime minister on August 7 and announced a 21-member cabinet consisting of military and civilians on August 10.