
Experts warn: Don't tell artificial intelligence your name!


Artificial intelligence software was developed to make people's lives easier. Chat bots can answer complex questions and even perform some tasks in an eerily human way.

So it can be tempting at times to share things about yourself, including your name, but experts say you should avoid it at all costs.

"No passwords, passport or bank card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, names or other personal data about you, your company or your customers should be included in conversations with AI," warned one cybersecurity expert.

This is because the information you send to an AI chat software may not always remain confidential.

ChatGPT itself records conversations, which can then be reused to fix technical issues or prevent service violations. Your conversations may even be reviewed by human moderators.

There is a chance that a bug could cause your conversations to leak, or that the chatbot could accidentally share your information with another user.

"Remember: anything you type into a chatbot can be used against you," said cybersecurity expert Stan Kaminsky.