
Earthquake danger in New York!


New York City is located on the North American plate. This plate is moving eastward in the Atlantic Ocean. This movement is pushing down the older and heavier oceanic crust beneath the plate. This process causes intraplate earthquakes.

Intraplate earthquakes are less frequent and weaker than earthquakes at plate boundaries. However, these earthquakes can cause great damage locally. This is because intraplate earthquakes occur in harder and thicker rocks. This causes the tremors to spread over greater distances.

New York City is located close to several fault lines where intraplate earthquakes occur. The most important of these is the Ramapo Fault, located north of New York City. This fault line runs from New Jersey to the north of New York State. The Ramapo Fault is estimated to have the potential to cause earthquakes of magnitude 6 to 7.

The last earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred in New York City in 2023. This earthquake was recorded as the largest earthquake in the last 40 years. The earthquake was effective 100 kilometers in diameter and even reached Niagara Falls. It was reported that the tremors were also felt in Canada, albeit to a lesser extent.

New York City is not prepared for earthquakes. Most of the city's buildings are not built or reinforced in accordance with earthquake regulations. The city's infrastructure is also not earthquake-resistant. In the event of an earthquake, electricity, water, gas and communication lines may be cut.

There is scientific evidence of an increased earthquake danger in New York City. Seismic stations in the city have detected signs of increased stress and rupture along fault lines in recent years. This means that a major earthquake could be imminent.