
Biden admits: Yes, I 'screwed up' against Trump

"I learned from my father how to get back up when you get knocked down, we're going to win the election," President Joe Biden said, admitting that he failed in the debate against Donald Trump.


 President and Democratic Party candidate in the November elections, Joe Biden, said that he "failed miserably" in his televised debate with Republican Party candidate Donald Trump, but that he will not withdraw from the nomination.

Biden, who was a guest on "The Earl Ingram Show" radio program broadcasting in the US state of Wisconsin, evaluated his performance in the live debate held on the night of June 27 and responded to speculation that he would withdraw from the nomination.

Biden admitted that he performed poorly in the debate against Trump, saying, "I had a terrible night. I screwed up and made mistakes. This is just 90 minutes on stage, look what I've done in 3.5 years."

Stating that he would continue the race even if his performance in the debate was not as he wanted, Biden said, "I learned from my father to get up again when I fall down, we will win the election."

Hosting July 4th Independence Day military personnel and their families at the White House, Biden reacted to the comments that he would withdraw from the nomination by saying "I'm not going anywhere" in his speech here.