
Attention iPhone users! That feature provided to Android users is now iOS supported!


WhatsApp's Passkey feature, which was launched for Android in October, is finally available for iOS. For now, Meta has only offered the feature for iOS WhatsApp Beta users. However, all iPhone users will be able to access the feature after a while. 

For now, the Meta feature is only available for iOS WhatsApp Beta users. However, the feature will be available for all iPhone users after a while. 


Accordingly, iPhone users will be able to access WhatsApp again by using FaceID, TouchID or phone passcode with the Passkey feature. Contrary to popular belief, this passkey feature is not an application and message locking feature.

This feature is activated when you delete your WhatsApp account from your phone for some reason. Normally, when you open a WhatsApp account, it is possible to set up WhatsApp again with the help of an SMS. However, it will be possible to create a passkey with the WhatsApp iOS Passkey feature against theft attempts. iPhone users will be able to use this passkey feature with PIN code, FaceID or TouchID.