
Are those who believe in the Flat Earth theory low intelligence?


For example, a team from the University of Zurich has shown that those who believe the Earth is flat fail to estimate the flight time between two cities. This is simple proof that the Earth is round. Furthermore, a survey by YouGov found that only 66 percent of young people aged 18-24 think the Earth is round. The reason for these young people's doubts about the shape of the Earth could be the conspiracy theories and fake images spread on the internet.

Those who believe that the Earth is flat often claim to be religious and that this fits with God's plan for creation. However, this belief is contradicted by scientific data. It was the ancient Greeks who first proved that the Earth was round 2,000 years ago.

Those who believe that the Earth is flat accept only information that confirms their view, and dismiss anyone who says otherwise as corrupt or mistaken. This shows that they have a racist and prejudiced ideology. According to the Huffington Post, people with low intelligence are more likely to adopt racist and prejudiced ideologies. Therefore, those who believe that the Earth is flat are not only rejecting scientific facts, but also the diversity and richness of humanity.

In conclusion, although it is difficult to give a definitive answer to the question of whether those who believe that the Earth is flat are of low intelligence, it can be said that this belief is both irrational and harmful. Another study has shown that such people tend to be narcissistic and less intelligent than those who believe in astrology and horoscopes. Therefore, we advise people who have doubts about the shape of the Earth or believe in conspiracy theories to consult reliable sources based on scientific data.