
American caver trapped 1 kilometer underground awaits rescue!


Mark Dickey, a 40-year-old experienced caver who descended to Morca cave with a group of cavers, was trapped in the cave after a stomach bleed, and many European teams mobilized to rescue Dickey and his companions.

AFAD official Cenk Yıldız told the İHA news agency that doctors who descended into the cave successfully treated Dickey and that the caver had recovered enough to be evacuated.

Noting that the operation was difficult and that it could take 16 hours for even a healthy person to get out of the Morca cave, Yıldız said it could take at least three to four days, adding that the priority was health and that they aimed to complete the operation without endangering anyone.
According to rescue teams, the American caver Dickey will need to take frequent breaks and rest during his ascent to the surface.

Recep Şalcı, head of AFAD's Search and Rescue Department, said the teams are waiting for approval from doctors to start the difficult operation.
Speaking to HaberTuurk, Şalcı said the plan is to carry Dickey on a stretcher, but they plan to use a harness system to lift the sick caver through the narrow parts of the cave.

Şalcı added that they were trying to make small explosions to widen the narrow areas.
Şalcı said that doctors were giving Mark Dickey IV fluids and 4 liters of blood inside the cave, adding that more than 30 rescue personnel were inside the cave as of this afternoon and that three or four people were constantly on guard next to Dickey.

Şalcı said the aim was to get Dickey out of the cave safely and get him to hospital as soon as possible.