
Alleged money from arms dealers in exchange for Biden's involvement in the Syrian war!


With the inauguration of the new US President Joe Biden, some changes in foreign policy were expected. However, the news coming out in recent days has revealed a surprising fact behind the Biden administration's decision to intervene in Syria: The support of arms dealers.

Many people wonder why the US has decided to intervene again in the complex Syrian war that has been going on for years. Perhaps we should look for the answer in the arms industry. Could Biden's decision to intervene in Syria be a step taken with the interests of arms dealers in mind?

Let's remember how much support Biden received from the arms industry during his presidential campaign. Major arms manufacturers and traders donated millions of dollars to Biden's campaign. And what happened in return for these donations? Within a few months, the decision to intervene in Syria was taken.

The conflict in Syria has become a highly profitable field for the arms industry. Each new conflict increases arms sales and fills the coffers of the merchants. Therefore, the Biden administration's decision to intervene in Syria may be a step taken to protect the interests of arms dealers.

However, the ethical dimension of this situation cannot be ignored. Making a country's foreign policy decisions based on commercial interests is incompatible with democratic values. Once again, it shows the influence of America's arms industry in the political arena and disrupts the delicate balance in international relations.

In conclusion, the Biden administration's decision to intervene in Syria should be considered not only as an intervention in a country, but also as a step taken to protect the interests of arms dealers. This is a worrying development for democratic processes and international relations.