
After 28 years in prison, he was found innocent


Cabanillas, who was accused of attacking a couple sitting in a parked car in Los Angeles in 1995 and raping the woman in the car, was found innocent after DNA testing.

The prosecutor's office re-examined the case and, based on DNA evidence of the sexual assault, determined that the rape was committed by two different assailants.

After 28 years in prison, the judge ruled that Cabanillas was innocent and ordered his release.

Officials from the California Innocence Project, which represents Cabanillas and provides free legal assistance to inmates who are believed to be innocent, said the DNA test results showed that Cabanillas was not one of the two men who carried out the attack.

Although one person has confessed to the crime, no one other than Cabanillas has been arrested so far in connection with the incident, officials said.


District Attorney George Gascon apologized to Cabanillas, saying, "I deeply regret the miscarriage of justice and the failure of our legal system."

Cabanillas had pleaded guilty

After the incident, the two attackers said that although they recognized Cabanillas' photo, they were later unsure and pressured to identify him.

Cabanillas confessed to being one of the two gunmen who organized the double attack and claimed responsibility.