According to a specialist interviewed by Fox News Digital, marijuana is frequently labeled as a “classic gateway drug” that can potentially lead to the use of more dangerous substances like cocaine and heroin, resulting in risky behaviors such as impaired driving. The expert emphasized that any substance impairing judgment could serve as a gateway, with alcohol being particularly highlighted as having a significant impact due to its widespread use among adults.
The specialist shared observations of individuals turning to harder drugs like meth and cocaine after consuming alcohol to counter the effects of hangovers. Clinical psychotherapist Chris Tuell highlighted that alcohol is often the first substance young people experiment with, making them more prone to trying other drugs later on.
Alcohol consumption is known to impair decision-making and judgment, potentially leading to the exploration of riskier behaviors, including experimenting with different substances. Research indicates that alcohol can alter brain chemistry, increasing vulnerability to drug addiction.
Other experts reiterated the belief that alcohol serves as a gateway drug, with reports from patients claiming initial exposure to alcohol before trying other substances. Early exposure to alcohol has been linked to heightened responses to additional drugs, possibly enhancing the “gateway effect.”
It’s essential to understand that using one mind-altering substance can impact a person’s decision-making abilities, potentially leading to the acceptance of behaviors they might not typically engage in. There are neurological implications as well, with alcohol affecting reward pathways targeted by various drugs.
While the correlation between alcohol use and subsequent drug use is recognized, experts caution against assuming causation. Factors such as social environment, stressors, access to substances, mental health conditions, and genetics should all be considered when evaluating substance use patterns.
Furthermore, the potential risks associated with abrupt alcohol cessation, highlighting the importance of comprehensive understanding and support when addressing substance use disorders.
“Biological factors and other elements may all have a role,” he told Fox News Digital. Spielvogel disclosed several indicators that could suggest a person is dependent on alcohol and more prone to experimenting with other harmful substances. “One potential sign is if they have attempted to reduce their drinking but were unsuccessful,” he noted. “Furthermore, they might become irritated when questioned about their alcohol consumption.” Individuals struggling with alcohol dependency might also experience feelings of guilt when drinking, or they may engage in alcohol consumption early in the day, he further explained. Spielvogel advised against quitting “cold turkey,” emphasizing that abruptly stopping alcohol use can be perilous. “There are only a few substances where sudden cessation can be fatal – alcohol is one of them,” he emphasized. For additional health-related content, please visit “I cannot emphasize this enough; it is crucial that individuals with a substance use disorder seek professional assistance for their detoxification and recovery, whether through a specialized treatment center or by consulting a healthcare provider.” “Do not attempt this alone.” Source of the original article: Warning about the dangers of the ‘gateway drug’ that can lead to further substance use and addiction, as highlighted by experts.