Moldy clothes should be dealt with promptly for a variety of reasons, including potential health risks such as allergies, respiratory issues, and skin irritations. Individuals with asthma or weakened immune systems are especially vulnerable. Additionally, mold can damage fabrics over time and leave them with a foul odor. But is it possible to remove mold from clothes through washing, or is it better to discard them?
With expert advice, it is indeed possible to effectively eliminate mold from your clothes using the right products. Here’s how professionals tackle this issue and wash mold out of clothes.
Expert Panel:
– Melia Long, executive laundry professional at Poplin, a nationwide digital laundry service
– Sofia Martinez, CEO of Sparkly Maid Austin
– Forrest Webber, owner of Bear Brothers Cleaning in Huntsville, Ala.
To begin, always separate moldy clothes from your regular laundry to prevent the spread of spores. For deeply ingrained mold, multiple treatments may be necessary or the garment may need to be disposed of altogether.
Forrest Webber suggests using hot water to kill mold spores, depending on the fabric type. Melia Long also recommends harnessing the power of sunlight to combat mold and bacteria.
Materials Needed:
– Enzyme laundry detergent
– Rubber gloves
– Mask
– Soft-bristled scrub brush or old toothbrush
– Sunlight
– Washing machine with hot water cycle
– Borax or oxygen bleach (optional)
1. Begin by gently brushing off visible mold outdoors using a soft-bristled brush. Wear a mask and disposable rubber gloves for protection.
2. Use a heavy-duty detergent with enzymes to pre-treat visible mold spots before washing.
3. For an extra boost, consider adding borax or oxygen bleach to the wash cycle.
4. Follow specific instructions for white and colored clothes when using bleach.
5. Launder the clothes on a hot cycle for thorough cleaning.
6. Check for remaining mold stains before drying, as heat can set them in.
7. Ideally, dry clothes in direct sunlight to naturally kill mold.
8. Ensure clothes are completely free of mold before storing them.
For those who prefer using household ingredients, white vinegar can be added to the wash cycle to help kill mold.
To effectively remove odors from clothes, experts suggest various methods. Webber advises soaking clothes in the washing machine first for best results. For dealing with mold and odors, Long recommends sprinkling baking soda directly on the affected area before washing. For stubborn spots, Martinez suggests creating a paste with baking soda and water, applying it to the mold, letting it dry, then brushing it off before washing as usual.
To incorporate tea tree oil, Webber suggests adding 10 to 15 drops to a gallon of water and soaking clothes before washing. Additionally, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to the final rinse as a natural mold inhibitor, according to Martinez. For white fabrics, Martinez recommends using hydrogen peroxide directly on stains before rinsing and washing.
When using borax, Webber advises dissolving half a cup in warm water before adding it to the wash. To prevent mold on clothes, experts recommend keeping the laundry area dry and well-ventilated. Martinez suggests using dehumidifiers or moisture-absorbing products like silica gel packets in closets to combat moisture issues. Long cautions against leaving wet clothes in the washer for too long and emphasizes the importance of thoroughly drying clothes before storing them.
These tips can help keep clothes fresh and mold-free.