Crows are known for their high intelligence and ability to recognize individual humans. However, gaining the trust of a crow requires more than just offering gifts and treats. By taking your time and appreciating the process, you can develop a special bond with these remarkable creatures. Here is a guide to forming a unique friendship with these clever birds.
Start by observing crow behavior to understand their detective-like nature. They are always watching and remember faces, so spending time studying their habits can help you earn their trust.
Create a crow-friendly environment by providing quiet and safe spaces for them to perch and observe their surroundings. Avoid loud noises and excessive activity that may deter them from approaching.
Win over crows with consistent and high-quality food offerings, such as unsalted peanuts, boiled eggs, and small meat scraps. Feed them at the same time and place each day to establish yourself as a reliable food source.
Develop a personal call or signal to associate yourself with positive experiences for the crows. This signal will help them recognize you as a friend and become more comfortable approaching you.
Maintain a routine to build trust with the crows, as they appreciate predictability. Consistently showing up with food and your unique signal will make them anticipate your visits and possibly even wait for you.
Provide fresh water for the crows, as they also appreciate a clean water source. Keeping a birdbath or shallow dish filled with fresh water can attract them and earn you extra points in their eyes.
Be patient and let the crows take the lead in building the friendship, as they do not rush into relationships. Avoid direct eye contact and let them approach you at their own pace to show that you respect their boundaries.
Avoid getting too close too quickly and instead give the crows space to become comfortable with your presence. By recognizing individual crows and their unique characteristics, you can strengthen your bond and show that you are attentive to their preferences.
Finally, consider offering shiny objects near their feeding area to pique their interest, but ensure that these items are safe and non-toxic. By following these tips and being patient and attentive, you can form a rewarding friendship with these intelligent and fascinating birds.
Think of sharp objects like foil, coins, or small beads instead of glass shards or plastic.
Respect their space and boundaries. Even if a crow trusts you, it may not want to be touched or handled. If they seem hesitant or keep their distance, it’s important to honor that. Building a strong connection involves allowing them to engage with you on their own terms.
Be prepared to receive gifts. Crows may leave pebbles, buttons, or twigs as tokens of their trust. This behavior demonstrates their appreciation, so if you start receiving these trinkets, congratulations – you’ve gained a place in the crow’s inner circle.
Join the community of crow enthusiasts. Sharing your balcony with crows is a special experience to celebrate. You’re not alone – there are numerous online communities and forums where people share their crow stories, discuss their friendships, and provide helpful tips. Who knows? You might even pick up a new trick or two!