Ukraine has initiated a counterattack in the southern Russian border region of Kursk, stating that Russia is receiving appropriate consequences. Andrii Kovalenko, the leader of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation, confirmed that Ukrainian forces launched unexpected assaults on Russian forces in various locations across Kursk, following their initial entry into the region months ago. In a brief Telegram message on Sunday, Andriy Yermak, head of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, announced, “Kursk region, good news, Russia is facing the consequences it deserves.” The Ukrainian military’s initial incursion into Kursk occurred in August and despite Russian and recently deployed North Korean military attempts to push them back, Ukraine has maintained control over much of the territory taken. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Sunday that Ukrainians had launched counterattacks to halt a Russian offensive, as stated by the official TASS news agency. Both attacks were reportedly repelled, with a Ukrainian assault, involving two tanks and seven armored vehicles, being defeated near the village of Berdin, approximately 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the border. CNN has not independently verified these battlefield reports. The Kursk offensive, marking the first ground invasion of Russia by a foreign power since World War II, caught both Russia and Ukraine’s allies off guard upon its commencement. While Kyiv’s forces initially advanced swiftly, Russia eventually pushed them back; however, significant changes in the frontlines have not been noted in recent months. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine claimed that in clashes near the village of Makhnovka, the Russian army suffered significant losses, including up to a battalion of North Korean soldiers and Russian paratroopers. Unofficial Russian military blogs, known for reliable reporting on the conflict, confirmed the ongoing fighting. Reports indicate that the Ukrainians are pushing north towards Berdin. The blogs mention the use of radio electronic warfare systems, small arms battles, artillery, and tanks in the conflict. Ukrainian and western intelligence estimates suggest that around 11,000 North Korean troops are stationed in the Kursk region, where Ukrainian forces have occupied significant territory following their cross-border incursion. Russian President Vladimir Putin refrained from predicting when Russia would regain control of the southern Kursk region during a recent press conference. Putin expressed confusion about the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ entry into Kursk, questioning the military rationale behind their actions. One possible reason for Kyiv’s incursion into Russia could be to strengthen their position ahead of any future conflicts.
Incoming US President Donald Trump has expressed his intention to swiftly bring an end to the ongoing war, stating that he could accomplish this feat within 24 hours. However, he has not provided specifics on his strategy for achieving this, and has been evasive regarding the topic of future military assistance to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelensky recently remarked that the North Korean military forces have been experiencing significant losses, attributing this to Russia’s alleged practice of deploying them to the battlefield with inadequate protection.
CNN reporters Rob Picheta, Gawon Bae, Victoria Butenko, Edward Szekeres, and Kostyantyn Hak have contributed to the coverage of these developments. For more news updates and newsletters from CNN, visit and create an account.