Deadly Russian Strike Hits Lviv, Ukraine: President Zelenskyy Reports Latest Missile Barrage Deadly Russian Strike Hits Lviv, Ukraine: President Zelenskyy Reports Latest Missile Barrage

In Elefsina, where the military airport of the Greek Air Force is located, protesters gathered with the call of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and gave a message of support for the Palestinian people.

The protesters also criticized the position of the US, NATO and the European Union (EU) in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and demanded that Greece stay away from this conflict.

Protesting the plan to deploy US military planes to Elefsina Airport, the protesters demanded that "the massacre of the Palestinian people in Gaza, who want to establish their own state, be stopped".

According to Greek media reports, following the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a large number of US military planes were stationed at the Suda Base in Greece and a similar deployment of US military planes to the Elefsina Military Airport near Athens had begun.

Editor: David Goodman