
The state of Texas has taken over the US border with Mexico!


Texas Governor Greg Abbott has received support from 25 Republican states and former US President Donald Trump. 

Stating that Texas was facing an "invasion," Abbott said, "It is our constitutional duty to protect our state borders against any threat and we will do so," and asked for help from other Republican states.

In this context, the governors of several Republican states, including the state of Oklahoma, announced that they would send a certain number of National Guard units to support the state of Texas. 

US President Joe Biden gave the state of Texas 24 hours to implement the Supreme Court's decision. 

Abbott accuses Biden of being "a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border."

Texas National Guard soldiers took security measures around the boat ramp of the Rio Grande river in the US state of Texas, where large numbers of irregular migrants cross. Governor Abbott, rejecting the Supreme Court's decision to remove the barbed wire placed by Texas state authorities in certain areas of the border, declared that the National Guard in his state would not take such action and that they would even put up new barbed wire to "protect the border".


As the dispute between President Joe Biden's administration and the state of Texas over the US southern border grows, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who announced that he would build new barbed wire on the Mexican border contrary to the latest Supreme Court ruling, received support from 25 Republican states and former President Donald Trump.

The border security and refugee debate, one of the most serious issues of contention between Republicans and Democrats, has intensified with the failure to implement the recent Supreme Court ruling. Governor Abbott, rejecting the Supreme Court's decision to remove the barbed wire placed by Texas state authorities in certain parts of the border, declared that the national guard in his state would not do so, and that they would even put up new barbed wire to "protect the border".