
The minister's gaffe caused a crisis: One statement after another!


Speaking at an event in the city of Salamanca on May 3, Minister Puente said, "I saw Milei on TV and after what I heard I said to myself; I don't know what substances he uses, but he uses drugs. I said it was impossible for him to win the elections, but he did."

Making a written statement upon these statements, the Argentine Presidential Office also harshly accused Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, referring to the corruption allegations involving his wife.

The Argentine Presidential Office claimed that Sanchez "has much more important problems to deal with, such as the corruption allegations against his wife" and added: "For the sake of the Kingdom of Spain, we hope that justice will act swiftly to clarify such a corruption scandal that directly affects the stability of your nation and therefore relations with our country."

"Pedro Sanchez jeopardized the unity of the Kingdom by making deals with separatists (referring to Basque and Catalan political parties) and leading to the break-up of Spain. He put Spanish women at risk by allowing illegal immigration. He endangered the middle class with his socialist policies that brought only poverty and death. We Argentines choose to change the model that brought us misery and decadence. We hope that the Spanish people will soon choose to live free again."

Following this, the Spanish government, in a written statement through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that it "completely rejects the expressions used by the Argentine Presidential Office, which are incompatible with the relations between the two countries and two friendly peoples."

In an apparent attempt to defuse the crisis, the Spanish government announced that it "will continue to work to strengthen and preserve fraternal ties with the Argentine people."