
The last act of the Biden administration: Food aid cuts kill more than 1300 people in Ethiopia!


According to a joint study by the Institute for Health Research in Tigray, the Ministry of Health and Mekelle University, 1329 people in the region have died from hunger-related causes since November 2022, when the peace agreement was reached.

More than half of all deaths in Tigray have been due to hunger, with the death toll rising every month since aid was cut.

A survey of health workers in the province and camps pointed to the UN and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) aid cuts as a major cause of the deaths.

The UN World Food Program (WFP) and USAID announced the suspension of aid in May after food supplies sent to Ethiopia were stolen.

In Ethiopia, the federal government had signed a peace agreement with the rebelling Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in November 2022. Following the agreement, the administration of the region passed to the TPLF and the organization disarmed.