
The duchess was diagnosed with skin cancer!


The Duchess revealed that although it was "heartbreaking" to have another cancer diagnosis, she remained upbeat. A spokesperson for the Duchess said: "As the Duchess went into surgery, her dermatologist asked for several moles to be removed and analyzed at the same time and one of them was found to be cancerous. The tests are ongoing to make sure it was caught in the early stages. The Duchess is grateful to all the medical team who supported her, especially her dermatologist, who was vigilant and made sure the disease was detected."

Sources close to the Duchess said she had returned to the UK after recovering in Austria and that a second cancer diagnosis within six months was a huge challenge to overcome, but that she was a resilient person and had the care and support of her family. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year following a routine mammogram screening. The Duchess urged all women to keep up with their regular check-ups and wanted this to be a positive message to save others.