
Terrifying discovery: Bags of body parts found!


Bodies have been found in and around the industrial center of Monterrey in northern Mexico, including in some of the country's wealthiest neighborhoods.

Nuevo Leon state authorities reported that at least seven bodies were found, as well as five bags full of body parts. Some of the bodies were reportedly decapitated.

Authorities say they cannot give an exact figure for the death toll as some bodies were found in pieces.


Gerardo Palacios, the state's top security official, said they believe the bodies may belong to members of drug cartels in the state of Tamaulipas.

The incident brought to mind the gang wars that turned the country into a bloodbath in the 2010s. As clashes between drug cartels raged, bodies were left on the streets or hung from bridges across the country.

Monterrey, a relatively quiet region of the country, was chosen by Tesla as the center where it would open its last factory.