Terrier’s Eminem Karaoke Chaos at Groomer’s Is Hilarious!

Unleashed: Terrier’s Epic Music Performance Revealed!

Ah, dogs. They’re more like us humans than they are different from us. We both value family and affection, we both care deeply for one another, and when we’ve got a song in our hearts, we’ve both just gotta let it out—and sometimes, that calls for an impromptu karaoke sesh!

But sometimes it’s not enough just to get your song on at karaoke. Sometimes, you’ve really gotta get aggro with it and work out some feelings, and that’s exactly what this exuberant Terrier did at the groomer’s. Their fur stylist put on some Eminem for them, and the little dog completely went ham on the “mike.”

Dang… don’t step up to a rap battle when this dog’s on the mike! Dog grooming pro Christy Carreiro held her own pretty well with her part of the song, but her Terrier client completely stole the show. The energy, the intensity, the anger, the Slim Shady realness… this dog brought it out in spades, all 10s across the board. So… when is the canine remake of 8 Mile starring this pup gonna come out?

Related: Groomer’s Precious Video of Tiny Puppy Named ‘Snacks’ Has the Internet Going Wild

“That’s his real voice, I can feel it,” affirmed @missmagdaa.

“That dog understood the assignment,” applauded @countrypumpkin05.

“I always wondered who Em’s backup was,” mused fellow puppy vlogger @hi.this.is.tatum. “To be clear… I don’t anymore.”

What’s the Canine “Paw-sition” on Human Music?

While this Terrier’s Eminem “impression” was exceptional, the average dog seems to have more abstract tastes when it comes to music. We sing along to our favorite singers, rappers, Broadway cast recordings, etc. Dogs, on the other hand, prefer to harmonize along to fire engine alarms and other dogs’ howls. What do they really think about our music?

Just as with humans, no two dogs have the exact same music preferences, but generally speaking, canines seem to be more preferential to certain genres more than others. In 2020, a team of researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia ran a musical study where they exposed dogs to music from several different genres and observed their behavior throughout. Overall, the dogs seemed most relaxed and at ease when listening to classical music (specifically of the soothing, non-bombastic variety) and appeared stressed and anxious when listening to fast-paced heavy metal tracks. A similar animal study performed in 2017 found that their dogs’ heart rate variability was the highest (indicating decreased stress) when they were listening to soft rock and reggae tunes. Since there’s a wide range of variability even within genres, it’s


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