Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, known for running the NFL's most lucrative franchise, recently made headlines not for football but for his surprising acting debut in the hit TV series "Landman." In a cameo appearance alongside acclaimed actors Jon...
Marin Plank wasn't initially interested in birds, but her passion grew after giving her husband a camera-equipped bird feeder for his birthday. By Christmas, she had received bird-related gifts and declared, "This is who I am now." Plank's bird...
Last month, a group of eleven Illinois teenagers were charged in a case that officials in Mount Prospect, located northwest of Chicago, linked to a "viral social media trend." The city's police department did not provide specific details about...
With snow still falling from a recent storm in the Mid-Atlantic states, attention is now shifting to the next weather system expected to bring wintry conditions from Texas to the East Coast this week. This upcoming storm is projected...