
SYRIZA's new 35-year-old president is 'Biden volunteer' Kasselakis


In Greece, the presidential race in the main opposition party Radical Left Alliance (SYRIZA) has concluded. The second round election was won by 35-year-old Stefanos Kasselakis, who studied in the US, worked at Goldman Sachs for a while and volunteered for President Biden's campaign in 2008.

Kasselakis and Efi Akhcioglu, who were in the top two in the first round of the presidential elections held on September 17, competed for the leadership of SYRIZA in the second round held yesterday.

According to a statement released by SYRIZA before all the ballot boxes were opened, Kasselakis overtook Ahcioglu in the leadership race with a difference of about 10 percent. Efi Ahcioglu called Kasselakis and congratulated him.

Kasselakis, who has never served as an MP or minister, met SYRIZA in 2021.

At the invitation of former SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras, who led SYRIZA to power in 2015, Kasselakis ran for parliament in the May and June 2023 general elections, but failed to enter parliament.

35-year-old Kasselakis, who immigrated to the US at the age of 14 and studied finance and economics, worked for a while at Goldman Sachs and then founded his own company in the field of maritime transportation.