Shrink Lower Belly Fat with 4 Amazing At-Home Workouts!

Exercising at home not only helps you save money on costly gym memberships but also provides convenience amidst your busy schedule. If your fitness objective is to shed belly fat, you are not alone in this pursuit. Women, in particular, often face challenges in dealing with fat accumulation around their midsection, largely due to hormonal fluctuations. Many individuals who frequent gyms aspire to make strides in reducing lower belly fat, as excessive abdominal fat can pose various health risks, including diabetes and heart disease. Here, we present some of the most effective at-home workouts designed to target and shrink lower belly fat.

1. Side Plank
Fitness expert and CEO at If You Can Move, Keaira LaShae, emphasizes the significance of the side plank in enhancing core strength and power, particularly engaging the obliques while also working the shoulders and glutes. To perform this exercise:
– Begin in a high plank position with hands placed beneath your shoulders, ensuring your body forms a straight line.
– Shift your weight to your right hand and outer edge of the right foot, stacking your feet.
– Lift your hips and hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds before switching sides.

2. Boat Pose
LaShae highlights the boat pose, also known as ‘navasana,’ as a core-strengthening exercise that focuses on balance and strength, targeting the entire abdominal region. Follow these steps to perform the boat pose:
– Sit upright on a mat with bent knees and feet flat on the ground.
– Lean back slightly, maintaining a tall chest and straight back.
– Lift your feet off the ground so that your shins are parallel to the floor.
– Extend both arms forward and hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds.

3. Upward-Facing Dog
Commence the upward-facing dog position from a downward-facing dog stance, ensuring your hands and feet are placed on the mat with hips raised. Perform the following steps to execute the upward-facing dog pose:
– Inhale and shift your weight forward into a plank position with shoulders aligned over the wrists.
– Lower your hips to the mat while keeping your legs straight.
– Press into your hands, lift your chest, and maintain shoulder alignment away from the ears.
– Engage your core and hold the pose for a few breaths.

4. Chair Pose
LaShae introduces the chair pose, or ‘utkatasana,’ as an exercise that emphasizes strength and determination, particularly in working the legs, glutes, and core muscles. To perform the chair pose:
– Stand upright in mountain pose with shoulders back and feet together.
– Bend your knees as if preparing to sit in a chair, shifting your weight to your heels.
– Extend both arms overhead with palms facing each other.
– Engage your core by pulling your belly in and sustain the pose for 15 to 30 seconds.


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