Shocking Find: Home Overrun by Rattlesnakes!

If the thought of a snake inside your house sends shivers down your spine, imagine discovering 92 of them residing beneath your very own home! In the footage provided, a homeowner in Santa Rosa, California sought assistance from a wildlife rescue organization after repeatedly spotting a rattlesnake in her vicinity. She reached out to the non-profit Sonoma County Reptile Rescue for help.
Al Wolf, the director of the rescue group, arrived on the scene to investigate. To his surprise, he didn’t encounter just one rattlesnake but rather a den housing 92 of them beneath the woman’s residence. It took four hours to safely relocate all 92 snakes (including 59 babies) to a remote area far from human habitation. Additionally, Wolf had to return to remove 11 more snakes before the house was entirely free of its rattlesnake infestation.
The Northern Pacific rattlesnake, a venomous species commonly found in California, was the main suspect behind the invasion. Santa Rosa, situated in Sonoma County, is home to a variety of snake species, with the Northern Pacific rattlesnake being the predominant rattlesnake species in the region. This particular type of rattlesnake can be found across regions spanning from central California to British Columbia.
While rattlesnakes generally prefer to steer clear of human interactions, certain factors can draw them closer to residential areas. Rocks and the cool, shaded environment under homes can attract rattlesnakes seeking refuge. In addition, the presence of rodents— a primary food source for rattlesnakes— near human dwellings can also entice these reptiles.
Although snakes typically try to avoid human contact, signs such as shed skins can indicate their presence in and around homes. If you suspect that snakes may be residing in your crawl space, it’s essential to take appropriate measures to ensure both your safety and the well-being of the snakes themselves.

You might also notice slither tracks in the dust or hear noises from them moving around. Another tell-tale sign, which the homeowner in the video noticed, is a complete absence of rodents. If you don’t see any mice or rats around your house, it may be thanks to a resident snake.

What Time of Year Are Baby Rattlesnakes Born?
Rattlesnakes in northern California have babies in the late summer, from August to October. It was October when the den of rattlesnakes and their babies were found under the California home. Rattlesnakes give live birth. Sometimes they go it alone, while other times they form rookeries where the mothers and babies live together. Researchers have found mother rattlesnakes will even babysit for each other. One keeps an eye on the babies while the other leaves the den to hunt.

How Many Babies Do Snakes Have at a Time?
Northern Pacific rattlesnakes can give birth from 4 to 21 babies at a time, which explains how Wolf found 59 snake babies living together under the house. The mothers care for the babies for about a week or two. However, babies sometimes live close to their mothers and hibernate in the same den over winter.

How to Avoid a Rattlesnake Bite
If you encounter a rattlesnake in the wild or around your home, immediately take a step back. A rattlesnake will only attack when it feels threatened. By stepping back, hopefully you can show the snake you aren’t a threat. If you have a rattlesnake living in or around your home, calling a wildlife expert or rescuer can capture the snake and release it in the wild. If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, seek medical attention immediately. They are venomous snakes, but antivenom drugs are an effective treatment when given within a few hours of the bite.

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Click here to watch the video. The post See How Nearly 100 Rattlesnakes Were Found Under and Removed From This Woman’s House appeared first on A-Z Animals.


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