Selena Gomez, who recently got engaged, made a fashion statement at her first major event of 2025. The actress graced the red carpet at the 36th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Film Awards on January 3, sporting a stylish menswear-inspired ensemble. She opted for an all-white satin suit complete with a structured blazer, tie, and pants. During her time posing on the carpet, Gomez even removed her blazer to reveal a matching button-down vest and mesh top, exuding confidence and elegance.
Gomez complemented her outfit with a natural-looking glamorous makeup look accentuated by a slicked-back middle bun hairstyle. Adding a touch of sparkle was her exquisite marquis diamond ring, estimated to be 6 carats, gifted by her fiancé Benny Blanco.
The Wizards of Waverly Place star attended the event to celebrate her film “Emilia Pérez,” directed by Jacques Audiard. The movie was honored with the festival’s Vanguard Award, with Gomez and her co-stars Karla Sofia Gascón, Zoe Saldaña, and Edgar Ramírez set to receive recognition for their contributions to the project.
In addition to the Vanguard Award, Gomez received a nomination for a Golden Globe in the category of Best Supporting Actress for her role in “Emilia Pérez.” Expressing her gratitude for the nomination, the 32-year-old actress revealed her excitement about the upcoming awards show. Speaking ahead of the event, she shared, “I’m overwhelmed, very, very honored and grateful. I can’t wait to see what happens.”
Gomez also discussed how she copes with negative external influences, emphasizing humor as her chosen method of dealing with criticism. She explained, “It’s humor for me. I know people say it’s a defense mechanism, however, I think it’s a great distraction from all of the noise sometimes. And just to have a laugh with your friends or do something that can bring you a little bit of light.”
Amidst the buzz of her professional achievements, Gomez has been enjoying quality time with her fiancé, Benny Blanco, particularly during the holiday season. The couple celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve together, basking in the joy of their engagement.
The news of their engagement was shared on Instagram by both Blanco and Gomez on December 11. Gomez captioned the post with the words, “Forever Begins Now.”
Selena Gomez continues to captivate audiences with her talents on and off the screen, showcasing not only her acting prowess but also her impeccable sense of style and grace. As she navigates the exciting journey ahead, fans eagerly anticipate witnessing her future successes and milestones.
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