Saturday Night Live is renowned for its timely skits and surprise guest appearances. The long-standing series has been a springboard for numerous stars, including fresh faces like Bowen Yang from “Wicked.” However, the compensation disparity for the actors in relation to their extensive time commitment to the show has recently come to light.
In a recent interview by NY Mag with Saturday Night Live alumni, a new video was released where they delved into their initial significant purchases after joining the SNL cast. In the video, Pete Davidson revealed insights into the remuneration structure for cast members, which may come as a surprise to many.
“Do you guys know what they pay us?” Davidson questioned. “It’s like $3,000 an episode. I got dinner.” Initially, the figure may seem substantial. Yet, upon considering the rigorous rehearsal hours invested weekly for each episode, the compensation may not hold up as significant, especially in comparison to Hollywood standards.
Other former SNL cast members shared anecdotes about their first post-paycheck acquisitions. Some, such as Julia Louis-Dreyfus, opted for fashion splurges. “I bought a pair of shoes that were out of my budget,” she disclosed. “I’m going to tell you, they were $75.” In contrast, stars like Cheri Oteri invested in furniture for their upscale New York City residences. “A couch. I have had it reupholstered three or four times,” she recollected. “I remember a designer coming over in tears, and he goes, ‘OK, those arms are too high. We’re going to get rid of that couch.’ I said, ‘Oh, no. No, you’re not. Not today, Satan. No, the couch is staying. You’re going.'”
Jason Sudeikis also shed light on the financial challenges, revealing that his SNL earnings barely covered his monthly expenses. “I mean, you don’t make enough money to make big purchases,” he humorously remarked. “So, I think New York rent was probably the biggest purchase I made after writing my first year on SNL.”
Despite the financial constraints, the allure of being part of the SNL cast remains strong for many. The camaraderie, creative fulfillment, and exposure provided by the show outweigh the monetary limitations faced by the actors. It’s a testament to their passion for their craft and the unique opportunity that Saturday Night Live presents for comedic talents.