
Right-wing extremists on the rise in Germany


A group of academics led by Andreas Zick, a lecturer at the University of Bielefeld in Germany, presented the study titled "The Distant Middle - Far Right and Anti-Democratic Attitudes in Germany" to the public in Berlin.

According to the study, due to various crises and conflicts, a significant part of society is more distant from democratic values and basic principles than in previous surveys.

The study reveals that democracy in Germany is in crisis, with an increase in the number of people who do not go to the polls, a strengthening of anti-democratic attitudes, and a lack of trust in state institutions, the media and politics.

The survey revealed that 8.3 percent of the respondents shared far-right extremist views. Thus, it was pointed out that one out of every 12 people in Germany shares extreme right-wing attitudes. It was reminded that this rate was 1.7 percent in the survey conducted in 2021.

The rate of those who see themselves politically "further to the right of the democratic middle" increased by 6 points compared to the previous survey and rose to 15.5 percent.

While 6 percent of the respondents approved of dictatorship, this rate was 2.2 percent in the 2021 survey.

The rate of those who approve of xenophobic rhetoric also increased from 4.5 percent to 16.2 percent, while the rate of those who oppose this rhetoric decreased from 74.1 percent to 53.5 percent.

The rate of those who advocate anti-Semitic statements increased by 4 percent compared to 2021 to 5.7 percent.


Thirty-four percent of respondents agree that asylum seekers come to Germany to take advantage of the social system, while 16.5 percent believe that Jews today are taking advantage of the country's history of National Socialism.

On the statement that Muslims should be banned from coming to Germany, 8.4 percent of the respondents "completely agree", 9.7 percent "tend to agree" and 23 percent "partially agree".

The survey also revealed that public distrust in the government is at a high level.

Thirty percent of the respondents agreed with the statement "The parties in the government are deceiving the public". This rate has doubled compared to the survey conducted two years ago.

Forty-two percent of respondents do not feel safe due to the war in Ukraine, inflation, pandemic, climate crisis and other problems.

For the survey, which is conducted every 2 years, 2027 people were interviewed by phone between January 2 and February 28.