An Australian man suffering from severe heart failure achieved a remarkable milestone by living for a record 105 days with a titanium heart implant while waiting for a donor heart. He became the first person worldwide to be discharged from the hospital with the innovative BiVACOR metal heart and spent about a month at home before eventually receiving a donor heart on March 6, 2024 following a successful transplant procedure at St. Vincent Hospital Sydney. The transplant, conducted as part of the hospital’s Artificial Heart Frontiers Program, showcased the potential of devices like the BiVACOR’s Total Artificial Heart to revolutionize heart transplants. The patient, who preferred to remain anonymous and is in his early 40s from New South Wales, Australia, is currently on the road to recovery after the groundbreaking procedure, which has opened up new possibilities for patients in need of heart transplants. The titanium heart, equipped with an external controller and rechargeable batteries, is designed by BiVACOR to function as a long-term solution that can effectively replace the native heart’s full functionality. This medical advancement signifies a significant leap forward in the field of heart transplants, offering hope to patients who may not have access to a donor heart or are unable to wait for one.