
President turned out to be a drug trafficker!


Hernandez, who went on trial in Federal Court in New York, was convicted of drug trafficking, conspiracy and weapons possession by a unanimous jury. Prosecutor Jacob Gutwilig stated that after hearing witnesses, they concluded "beyond a reasonable doubt" that former President Hernandez was a drug trafficker.

Speaking at the hearing, Hernandez reacted to the witnesses who made accusations against him, saying, "These are professional liars, everyone has many reasons to lie." Local media reported that Hernandez could be sentenced to life in prison.

The US Federal Prosecutor's Office had accused Hernandez of meeting with a drug trafficker about smuggling drugs into the United States and playing an active role in the smuggling. Honduran Foreign Ministry officials reported on February 15 that the US Embassy had requested Hernandez's arrest and that the request had been sent to the Honduran Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court had convened to appoint a judge to hear the request for Hernandez's extradition. Hernandez, whose extradition was requested by the United States on drug and arms trafficking charges, surrendered to police at his home in the capital Tegucigalpa on February 16 following the Supreme Court's decision.

Hernandez, who was taken out of the house under intense security controls with his hands and feet handcuffed, was taken to the police unit to take his statement. On March 29, the Honduran Supreme Court announced that the decision on Hernandez's extradition had been signed by 15 judges in the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice and ordered him to be handed over to the United States.

Hernandez's brother, Juan Antonio Tony Hernandez, was sentenced to life imprisonment in March 2021 in the US for drug and arms trafficking.