
Pope Francis: "Conservatives are suicidal"


In an interview with CBS, the Pope addressed the criticism his reforms in the Catholic Church have drawn, especially from conservative clergy in the United States.

Stating that there is an important difference between taking tradition into account and being stuck in dogmatism, Pope Francis said:

"A conservative is someone who is stuck in something and does not want to see beyond it. This is a suicidal attitude. We should reflect on what happened in the past, but we should not be buried in dogmatism."

Pope Francis stated that the Catholic Church should adopt an attitude that embraces everyone and said that he is acting in this direction.

US-based CNN announced that the Pope's full interview with CBS on April 24 will be broadcast on Sunday.


In November, the spiritual leader of Catholics expelled his opponent, American Cardinal Raymond Burke, from his Vatican residence and suspended his salary. Francis fired Texas Bishop Joseph Strickland the same month. Burke and Strickland were among those who criticized the Pope's efforts to move the Catholic Church to a more liberal position on issues such as abortion, transgender rights and same-sex marriage.

On October 17, World Day Against Poverty, the Pope hosted a dinner for nearly 1,200 poor and homeless people, including many Latin American immigrants and transgender sex workers.

In his speech there, Francis said that the Vatican would now be able to baptize transgender parents and their children, which drew reaction from conservative clergy.