
Netanyahu defended Hitler! Look who he blamed


Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu made a remarkable exit. In one of his speeches, Netanyahu claimed that Hitler did not want to burn Jews and said, "Hitler did not want to kill Jews, he wanted to expel them, but a Muslim convinced Hitler to burn Jews."

Netanyahu claimed that the person who convinced Hitler, whom he referred to as a Muslim, was Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and an Arab nationalist.

This speech of the Israeli Prime Minister became a hot topic in a short time.

Who is Amin al-Husseini?

He was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in Mandate Palestine. He served as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from 1921-1948 and was the founder of the Arab Supreme Committee.

Amin al-Husseini became close to the Nazis from 1933. As the leader of the great Arab revolt in Palestine in 1936, he tried to prevent the sale of land to Jews and Jewish immigration to Palestine. He again fell out with the British, who declared that they did not recognize his religious leadership. He fled to Lebanon in 1937. Al-Husseini had played a key role against Zionism. In 1941 he traveled to Berlin and met Adolf Hitler himself. He asked for support to expel the Jews from Palestine. Hitler did not give a formal commitment, but by word of mouth, he declared that Germany shared the ideals of Palestine. He added that he would expel the Jews from Palestine once he had fully conquered the Caucasus. In his meeting with Himmler, he said that he was on good terms with the Balkan Muslims and that he could form an armed force for Germany. As a result, a division called the 13th SS Waffen Mountain Division "Handschar" was formed from Muslim Bosniak and Croat soldiers.

After the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II in 1945, al-Husseini sought asylum in Switzerland but was denied. On May 5, 1945, he was detained by French occupation troops in Konstanz, and on May 19, he was transferred to the Paris area and placed under house arrest.
Around this time, the British head of the Palestinian Criminal Investigation Department told an American military attaché that the Mufti might be the only person who could unite the Palestinian Arabs and "pacify the Zionists".

Henri Ponsot, the former French ambassador to Syria, led the discussions with him and had a decisive influence on events.

Through his intermediaries, the French authorities expected an improvement in France's status in the Arab world and granted him "special conditions of detention, advantages and ever more important privileges, and were constantly concerned for his well-being and that of his entourage". In October, he was even allowed to buy a car in the name of one of his secretaries and had some freedom of movement and could also meet whomever he wanted. Al-Husseini was very happy with his situation in France and stayed there for a full year.

They demanded his extradition

As early as May 24, Great Britain requested al-Husseini's extradition, claiming that he was a British citizen who had collaborated with the Nazis. Although he was on the list of war criminals, France decided to treat him as a political prisoner and refused to comply with the British request. France refused to extradite him to Yugoslavia, where the government wanted to prosecute him for Serbian massacres. Poussot believed al-Husseini's claims that the Serbian massacre had not been carried out by him, but by General Mihailovic. Al-Husseini also explained that 200,000 Muslims and 40,000 Christians had been killed by the Serbs and that he had formed a military division only after the Bosnian Muslims asked him for help and the Germans and Italians refused to give them any support. Meanwhile, Zionist representatives - fearing that al-Husseini would flee - supported Yugoslavia's extradition request. They claimed that al-Husseini was also responsible for the massacres in Greece and drew attention to his actions against the Allies in Iraq in 1941; they also asked for US support in this matter.

On 29 May, after an influential Moroccan organized his escape and French police suspended surveillance, al-Husseini left France on a Trans World Airlines flight to Cairo, using travel papers provided by a Syrian politician close to the Muslim Brotherhood. It took more than 12 days for the French foreign minister to realize he had fled, and the British were unable to arrest him in Egypt after that country granted him political asylum.

On August 12, 1947, al-Husseini wrote a letter to the French foreign minister, Georges Bidault, thanking France for its hospitality and suggesting that France continue this policy to increase its prestige in the eyes of all Muslims. In September, a delegation from the Arab High Committee traveled to Paris and proposed that the Arabs adopt a neutral position on the North African question in return for France's support on the Palestinian question.